When you are involved in an auto accident, your body has been put through maneuvers that it would not experience in any other way. It is not unusual to sustain whiplash or misalignments anywhere along your neck or back. Sometimes pain is felt almost immediately, but it can also begin later once your adrenaline levels have normalized. Whether or not you notice pain or discomfort, it isn’t a bad idea to seek chiropractic care. There are many ways in which chiropractic care can prove beneficial after a car accident:
- Inflammation Reduction- It is a natural response for your body to become inflamed after an auto accident in response to muscle and ligament stretching and tears. If you are feeling sore and achy, inflammation may be to blame, and chiropractic care to realign the spinal column will release natural anti-inflammatory substances that can ease your discomfort.
- Whiplash- If you are experiencing dizziness, headaches, soreness, nausea, or discomfort in your neck or elsewhere in your back, there is a good chance you have whiplash. These symptoms do not always show up immediately, and if you begin treatment promptly, you could save yourself from the worst of it.
- Pain Reduction- Chiropractic care isn’t just about spinal misalignments. Treatments can also release hormones that will reduce the pain you are feeling throughout your body, not just your back and neck.
- Avoid Long-Term Issues- It is not uncommon to avoid seeking medical care after an auto accident when you are not experiencing intense pain, but you should know that minor injuries can lead to long-term chronic pain and other issues. The best way to prevent this from happening is to be seen by a chiropractor.
At Mapleview Chiropractic Centre, we offer a variety of chiropractic care treatment options that are beneficial if you’ve been involved in an auto accident. We can get you back on the road to overall health and wellness with a rehabilitation plan that is personalized to your situation. Call us today to learn more and make an appointment for a consultation and evaluation.